Thursday, September 3, 2009

Simple, Easy Roasted Red Potatoes

August and September are busy months in our household, so I typically slack off on cooking new, different kind of meals. However, my goal is to post more often, so I took this opportunity to look back over some of my tried and true recipes. Some, you might think, are easy breezy and hardly worth a formal "recipe" while others might be variation of dishes you make as weekly meals. Either way, I hope you find some of these weeknight recipes fun and worth your time. Here's the first one.

Roasted Red Potatoes
8-10 small red potatoes, washed and cleaned
one gallon size ziploc bag
1 tsp. dried rosemary
1 tsp. dried thyme
1/2 tsp. (or more as you wish) garlic powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. ground black pepper
1/8 tsp. red pepper
1/4 cup good olive oil

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Cut potatoes into quarters, making sure all pieces are about the same size. Meanwhile, combine spices,including salt and pepper, in a gallon size ziploc bag. Add olive oil to bag and shake up. Then, add potatoes to bag and shake again until spices and olive oil are evenly distributed onto potatoes. Dump contents of bag onto greased cookies sheet (can use aluminum for easier cleanup, just be sure to grease first). Bake at 400 degrees for 35-45 minutes, flipping potatoes halfway through cooking. Once a fork is easily inserted into largest potatoes, remove pan from the oven. Once removing pan from the oven, allow potatoes to cool 5 minutes before serving.

What I serve with: Almost anything, including: steak, chicken, fish, veggies, salad, etc. They are a great side for company too.

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